Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Can you have too many?
Friday, April 10, 2009
My little Handyman
CRAZY hair! Of course, I couldn't have made it stand up like that if I tried!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Ya'll
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Pumpkin Patch Parties, Biking & more
Opening weekend of deer season, and Daddy got an 8-point buck (or as Joseph would say "That's a buck deer, have horns") Kid was totally into it! Kinda grossed me out!
Jon's office had a weekend retreat at Petit Jean State Park, which was awesome. They treated for the weekend, and we enjoyed our stay in Mather Lodge. Saturday was very cold and windy, but we bundled up and got outside anyway! We hiked the Bear Cave Trail and the Rock House Trail. That afternoon, Jon had fun orienteering with the group while Joseph and I took a nap.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
My Be TWO!!
Joseph had a great time, and got lots of fun new toys! We were so glad to see everyone who made it, and those of you who couldn't were missed!
Here's a great shot of Joseph walking up with Cara, a friend from school...don't worry, she's only 1 month younger!
More of an update...he had a good visit for his 2 year check up. He is 34 pounds, 37 & 3/4 inches, and a 21 inch head! He's still the average size of a kid 1 year older!
His language is expanding so much every day with longer sentences, adjectives and complete thoughts! He knows his colors, shapes, alphabet, lots of songs, names of friends at school, can spell the first 2/3's of his name (J-O-S-E)! He is learning left and right, how to pedal a bicycle, and how to play basketball. He knows animals galore, including the sounds they make, and can even tell me where to turn to go see the animals at the zoo! A surprise to mom and dad was that he knows the theme song to Bob the Builder!
He's a busy boy!