Sunday, August 24, 2008

How much will Blogger let me post???

I've got alot of catching up to do...we'll see if I have the patience and Blogger has the space!

Here's some video of our little singer performing "Blah, Blah, Black Sheep" in the bath...

Just a fun shot from the Zoo. Can you say accessories?? No, there is not anything in the backpack! It's a leash that I haven't had to resort to using (yet!).

Here is Joseph, not participating, at Josh's birthday party at Gymboree.

He decided he would rather slide instead!

He would watch, but not join in...

BUT! He did eat cake and wear the hat, which caused a meltdown last year!

If you had seen some of the pictures of his daddy that I have, this would be HILARIOUS!! My little Bucket Head!

Climbing the ladder on the slide that is older than his parents at the Warren City Park!

Here he comes!

Sitting on the train (same park) with Mamaw Mae & Papaw Jack!

On the deck at Cock of the Walk in Maumelle after feeding the fish (and the geese, snapping turtle and racoons) some leftover cornbread from dinner!

Ok...that's enough for tonight! I'll try to do more soon, but maybe that will sate a few appetites for pictures of JJ! I'll post more again soon!