Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Look at the boy go!

Here is some video of Joseph walking...I hope. I've been having problems posting!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Pictures Only

Catching up on some pictures...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Only 1 Month To Go!

WOW! 11 months old! I'd better get those birthday party invitations in the mail! Joseph is doing great after having the tubes put in last Friday. He had a good weekend with Mom and Dad, good daycare days so far this week, a visit from Grandmaw & Great-Grandmaw Wednesday, and dinner with some of our friends from college Thursday!

It's really amazing what all he is doing now compared to 10 months ago! He's walking, when he wants to, and the other person is who he wants to play with. He's also playing with his toys, and not just messing with them, but actually playing in the way they are intended to be played with. He's starting to bounce balls, and put them through the correct holes, as well as rolling his cars along on the wheels. Of course, he continues to eat just about anything we give him, with new favorites of goldfish crackers and Mom's chicken salad. And, he still loves pulled pork from Mom & Dad's favorite, The Whole Hog Cafe! But, his ALL TIME favorite is whatever he finds on the floor and puts in his mouth!

We're trying to go for a short walk daily, and he rides so well in his stroller. He loves watching everything we pass along the sidewalk. One thing that is not going so well, he seems to be getting tired of his car seat. Thankfully, we'll be able to turn him forward-facing in a month, so that should help.

Here are some pictures, and hopefully, a video of him walking...

Friday, August 17, 2007


Joseph now has tubes in both ears. We had the procedure this morning and everything went fine. It didn't take long at all, and he stopped crying after we got home and he was able to nurse. Now's he playing and getting in trouble as usual. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers during this time.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Broken Record

That's exactly how I feel right now. Joseph is sick, AGAIN!! He was scheduled to have his ears rechecked this morning for any signs of remaining infection, and now he's coughing like crazy. So, it's just as well that we already have an appointment. But, he's at daycare! I can't keep taking time off work! Besides, I'm coughing too! That seems to be all that it is for now, but we'll see.

He did have a very fun weekend in Warren, and enjoyed the swimming pool very much. Hopefully he'll get to go swim a few more times before summer is over.

I'll try to get more pictures up soon.

Only 47 days til THE birthday!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

My Apologies

So...I'm not doing so great with updating the blog, huh? The Monday after I said Joseph had finally whipped those ear infections, guess what?? He woke up with fever, so back to the pediatrician. Right ear infected again, left ear looked clear. 10 more days of antibiotics, he's now on day 9, almost done. But, since then, he's been great. He went back to daycare the very next day and did well all week, for what was an unusual week for us. I was working the weekend, so he actually went to daycare the days I was off, to give me a break! He did really well, although he got a good bump on his head from the toy shelf and got bit by another child (didn't break the skin).

While I worked the weekend, Joseph was home with dad and they had 2 really great days, including a trip to their favorite store, Home Depot! We also got to have dinner with some friends and their 2 year old son, Josh. They came back to our house and the boys had a great time playing together. Josh is also the friend with the recent Gymboree birthday party that Joseph went to. He's got another tooth breaking through, and the gum is swollen in the same spot on the other side (top, just to the side of the front 2). Let's see, what else has happened...he went with me to a baby shower for some friends, is eating lots more, continues to flirt with all the pretty girls, especially the waitresses, and seems really close to walking. He's taken some wobbly single steps, but that is all so far. He loves rummaging around for his toys in the baskets, as you'll see in the pictures below.

Lots of progress for our now 10 month old! Here are some pictures...