Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Well, look who has started crawling! This is not a picture of his first actual crawl, but you get the idea. Last night (Monday) while I was out of the room, he army crawled for the first time that we've seen! Yeah!! The judges wouldn't have scored him a 10.0 because it wasn't pretty, but it was functional! He got the toy he was going after!

Also of note, last night (again while I was out of the room), he pushed himself to sitting from laying down. Thankfully, Jon was there to see it all. I'm thinking I should stay out of the room a little bit longer and let him just go ahead and walk. Hey, if it works...

Guess I'd better start baby-proofing everything. And I know all you other moms are thinking "it's too late to start now!!"

Monday, April 23, 2007

Seven Months Old! (Yesterday!!)

Wow! Hard to believe our little (or maybe not so little) guy is 7 months old already! We had a great day on Sunday. Made a trip to the zoo with Joseph riding high in his new backpack carrier on dad's back. He seemed much more interested in the people roaming around than any of the animals. Here's his 7 month picture!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Saturday, at last

What a gorgeous day! We enjoyed it by having a picnic at Pinnacle Mountain. Joseph seems to really like being outside and of course, he loved watching all the people, especially the other kids. It was busy out there today, but not so crowded that we couldn't find a picnic table. We took a little stroll around the perimeter of the picnic/playground area with him in the Baby Bjorn. As big as he has gotten, it didn't take us long to decide to stop by Gene Lockwood's and check out the Kelty backpack carrier. Jon and the salesguy got Joseph strapped in, then Jon took him for a walk around the store. Joseph seemed to really like being up where he could see, so it came home with us! Jon's going to build up his strength, so maybe we can do some hiking. Here's an older picture of him, from March 15th, but it's so cute I wanted to share it. Look how he's grown!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Let's get started


So...this is all about us! Well, mostly Joseph since he's the #1 member of the family now. At least, he's the one everybody asks about. We're enjoying our weekly day off together, just mom and baby. Planning to meet dad for lunch.
Joseph with dad from 4/12. My little redneck baby! Notice the fat rolls under his arm!
Joseph with mom from Easter in Warren. Had to go with the back-up outfits due to the cool weather! He was only slightly interested in the dyed eggs.Joseph on his half birthday! Hard to believe he was 6 months old on March 22nd! Such a different baby from September!