Friday, September 28, 2007

More Birthday Pictures

For more pictures from Joseph's birthday, go to:

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  • JJ


Thursday, September 27, 2007


Here are Joseph's stats from his 12 month doctor visit...

Weight: 27 lbs (90-95 %ile, average size of a 21 month old)

Length: 32 in (95-95 %ile, average size of a 17 month old)

Head: 19 1/4 in (> 97 %ile, average size of a 26 month old)

Weight : Length 90-95 %ile

He's just a BIG guy! But those averages match up with the size clothes he's wearing!

Developmentally, he's doing great, meeting and exceeding all expected milestones. And, he's SO cooperative for the exam. Plus the doctor says he's cute! She seemed quite surprised and happy when we told her he was completely off the bottle! I'm guessing that is a common problem with most of her patients.

When Joseph's birthday party pictures are posted, I'll put the link on the blog!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Birthday!! finally arrived, and we survived. The party was a big success with a good turnout. The cake was EXCELLENT! Joseph had a great time and brought home some good loot...thanks everybody. Here's some pics.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Almost there...

Joseph & dad checking out the giraffes at the LR Zoo.

Counting down the days to THE BIG DAY! Joseph's birthday is Saturday, in case anybody out there didn't already know that! It seems like he is doing so much more every day! He's saying "dog" now, along with alot of other things we can't recognize. His walking is getting so much better. He is able to walk with toys, pick them up if he drops them, and keep on going. That sixth tooth has finally broken through, and he's eating almost completely by himself now. He's eating very little baby food, and we've completed the switch to whole milk.

The transition to whole milk and sippy cups happened a little sooner than I expected, not how I wanted, and much smoother than I ever could have dreamed. Joseph got "hand, foot & mouth" which means he had/has sores in all of those areas, plus the diaper area. That being said, he wouldn't suck a bottle or nurse. So even though we were down to nursing only twice a day, that also stopped because it was too painful for him. He wasn't very effecient with an open cup yet, but we were able to keep him hydrated with lots of high liquid fruits and yogurt! All the sores are MUCH better now, and he's drinking well out of a sippy cup, so we switched to whole milk. Yes, a little before his first birthday, but as a dietitian, I'm allowed to make that call! :)

This past weekend was beautiful, so we visited the LR zoo. Hopefully, this weekend will be just as pretty since we've got a BIRTHDAY PARTY!! I hope the boy likes cake!

See you all there...

I wanna go live with the gorilla baby!
(His name is Mosi, and he's about 1 month younger than Joseph!
I sometimes see the resemblances)