Thursday, November 29, 2007


Grandpaw Joe & Great-Grandpaw Wayne would be proud...

Joseph had a great first Thanksgiving (that he actually got to eat). We went to Memphis to spend the holiday with Aunt Claire, Uncle Phillip & Jordan-Claire. He did really well He ate like crazy. For Thanksgiving dinner, he ate turkey, sweet potatoes, corn pudding and 3 (!!!) rolls. He loved it. Except the cranberry and the coconut, which he took out of his mouth and handed back to me! He had a fun time chasing and being chased by his cousins, Dylan, Macy & J-C. He'll get to see all of them again at Christmas.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The No-Puking Zone

As mother and ruler of the Nichols domain, I hereby proclaim that all territories inhabited by the Nichols clan (be that car, hotel room, or house) are declared puke free zones. And if that doesn't tell you how our weekend went, nothing else will.

So before we even left the boundaries of Little Rock for our weekend trip to Springfield /Branson, MO, Joseph puked in the car/carseat. Lovely, huh? We thought he was just a little bit car sick from the stop-and-go driving of running errands around town and eating too soon before we left. Well, he puked again (big time on this one) on just the other side of Conway. We couldn't get the car pulled over fast enough! It was horrible and smelled bad and we put him back in his car seat naked (diapered, but naked). At this point, we considered coming back home, but said, nah, we'll be allright. Boy, were we wrong!

We went on to Branson, did some shopping at the outlet mall, and then headed to Springfield to check into the hotel. I had started feeling bad, but didn't think it was much to be worried about. And then I puked...and puked...and puked. Saturday I woke up feeling better, but very weak. Maybe Joseph's wasn't motion sickness. We (very slowly) walked around the Bass Pro Shop and neighboring Wonders of Wildlife museum as well as the Dickerson Park Zoo in Springfield. Joseph felt great and had a good time. He LOVED the fish at the museum. He was determined to catch them as they swam by!

Woke up Sunday morning, and guess who was sick?? The remaining member of the trio! Here it is Sunday night and Jon hasn't puked yet, but all the other signs are there. So, we had a long ride home ( I drove if that tells you how sick Jon was), but we're here now, and all alive for the moment. Joseph and I are fine now, so hopefully Jon's turn will be short-lived as well.

Here are some pictures...much more interesting than our tale...

Joseph's injury pre-picture day.

We'll see how the photos come back.

From Wonders of Wildlife...
crossing the rope bridge looking down at the birds looking at the beaver

These videos are actually better than any of the pictures from the aquarium.

Just a cute video to add on...Ride 'em Cowboy!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Picture Day

Today is picture day at school for Joseph. In true form, he took a tumble yesterday and has some major scrapes on his forehead and cheek. I asked the photographer to try to get his non-injured side, but we'll see! I'll post some pictures later.