Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy Shots!

A belated very Merry Christmas to all! This was Joseph's first Christmas of interest! He still wasn't too into opening presents, but definitely liked playing with the toys once we were finally able to get them out of the box. He got to have 4 days of Christmas...we started Saturday with the grandparents Patterson, Sunday with the grandparents McClain and extended family, Monday with the Nichols clan, and Tuesday back home where Santa made a stop. Here are a few pictures...

Opening presents at Grandmaw Mae & Grandpaw Jack's house...
Outside on a cold Christmas day with my new wagon from Santa!

The day after Christmas, Joseph had his 15 month check up. He's doing great, still growing well, at 90% or above in all categories (30 lbs, 34 inches, 19 inch head), and has met all the milestones as expected. Unfortunately he had to have 4 shots (3 immunizations plus his 2nd flu shot) which did not make the little man happy! One of the pertinent milestoness is 2 words besides mamma and daddy. Well...he's got MANY more than that! The boy will repeat almost anything, and has many words that he knows the meaning of, but still hasn't fully grasped what "no" means, even though he loves saying it. He's growing and changing so much, it's hard to believe. Smart as a whip, but I'm a little partial. He can moo, bah, and neigh like a barnyard full of animals! Very cute! I'll try to get video of that.

A few more pictures...

Eating black olives just like his dad, and hanging out with mom in our camo hats!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Long Time, No Blog

Ok...sorry about that. I just haven't been into it lately, especially since we've been so busy.

Busy, you say? What have we been up to? Well, Joseph has been busy being sick. It started 2 weeks ago Sunday (December 2nd) with a fever that got as high as 104.5, vomiting (only once, thank goodness), and periorbital cellulitis (say what? an infection under his eye as a result of the high fevers from the virus). His white blood cell count was at 20,000 when we took him to the doctor on Monday. Thankfully after blood cultures and 2 Rocephin shots, it was down to 9600 on Tuesday, so we started oral antibiotics. As we were nearing the end of 10 days of antibiotics, every orifice on his head started to drain, so we now doing antibiotic/steroid ear drops in both ears twice a day. How fun is that??? Back to the doctor today because the ear drainage is worse, and he decided to spike a fever during Jon's Christmas work party Saturday night.

So, throw the Christmas season, Jon having a big project due soon, and me getting a cold now into the mix, and we're running a little behind. The Christmas cards will get there when they get there, ALL RIGHT?? Nah, no big deal. They may be New Year's cards. Won't matter to me, I'm working New Year's Day!

But, on to the latest and greatest that the boy can do...

He's talking up a storm...will repeat almost anything you say, so keep it G-rated.

His memory is much better now. He remembers that he likes to read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?". At first, we thought it was great that when we turned to the page with the teacher, that he would say (in his own little language) "teacher, teacher". Well, now, when we get to the page with the goldfish (the page immediately before the teacher), he starts saying "teacher, teacher"!!! How smart is that!!!

He will turn his head to the side for drops to be put in his ears. Does this say something about how often we've had to do that??

He can make a selection between drinks. He will say juice or milk depending on which he wants. He's also saying a lot of other food words, including cheese, cracker and cookie. I think he's also tried to say fruit.

Pictures soon, I hope...