Here, with Dad at Boo at the Zoo. We didn't costume up for this, but he did wear his lighted Halloween shirt...thanks Aunt Claire!
Opening weekend of deer season, and Daddy got an 8-point buck (or as Joseph would say "That's a buck deer, have horns") Kid was totally into it! Kinda grossed me out!
Jon's office had a weekend retreat at Petit Jean State Park, which was awesome. They treated for the weekend, and we enjoyed our stay in Mather Lodge. Saturday was very cold and windy, but we bundled up and got outside anyway! We hiked the Bear Cave Trail and the Rock House Trail. That afternoon, Jon had fun orienteering with the group while Joseph and I took a nap.
Sunday was much nicer and we hiked the Cedar Creek Trail before heading home.
To get Joseph excited for the weekend, we talked about it alot. When asked what we were going to do, his answer was always "Um, go BIKING!" Finally after 2 days of actually doing it, he said "Hiking!".