Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can you have too many?

Wow...updating the blog for the first time since April. Lack of decent computer access and time are the 2 excuses that top the list, and I'm going to leave it at that!

Joseph turned 3 on September 22nd at Walt Disney World. It was amazing and I'm planning to do a detailed blog/journal on our entire trip as I have time, so check back! (but please be patient).

We did have a special birthday meal for him there, and he thought ALL those people at Disney World were there for HIS party, it was cute. Last week, I brought snacks to school for his party, and we had a small family party in Warren since no one else got to celebrate his actual birthday with us. I think I'm starting something...when he turned 2, he had 2 parties. Now, for #3, we've ended up with 3 parties. I don't know if I would survive 4 parties...

Here are pictures from each.

How many 3 year olds can say Mickey Mouse helped them blow out the candles? Not only was the cake cute, but it was really good too!
Part of the Tigers group. Joseph was mostly interested in picking the candy off his M&M cookie.

The family party. The plan was for all of it to be at the City Park in Warren, but due to cold temps and the threat of rain, the party moved to Mazzio's.
Well, check back, and I'll try not to disappoint!