Monday, May 14, 2007

Just a swingin'

Happy Mothers' Day to all! Joseph was a tired little boy by the time Sunday rolled around! He was home sick with mom on Friday, but recovered pretty well over the course of the weekend. Thanks to dad's hard work, he got to try out his new swing in the backyard on Sunday. As you can tell from the picture, it was a huge hit! He seemed like he could sit there for hours as long as someone was pushing him.
Grandparents (Pattersons) were here this weekend, and he always enjoys someone else to wear out! Mom and Dad just poop out too quickly for the little crawler these days. He's also big into standing and holding onto toys. A visit to the zoo on Sunday was fun, with a short nap in the backpack carrier and a walk under the water mist to cool everyone off from the sun.
Looking forward to the Greek Food Festival this weekend! Well, mom and dad are, not sure if Joseph is aware of what's coming! Not sure if he's ready for a gyros yet! Have a great day!

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