Friday, June 29, 2007

9 Month Check Up

Joseph had his 9 month check up on Wednesday...

Weight: 23 lbs 2 oz
Length: 31 inches
Head: 18 3/4 inches

One of his ears was not clearing up as well as it should (or as well as the other ear), so we switched antibiotics. Hopefully, that will do it.

Heading to Warren for the weekend...look for swimming pool pictures sometime next week!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Lots to report...

Joseph is recovering from his ear infection. He's back at daycare now, on day 2. He reacted the same way he did when we first started our new spot. Day 1, nosy, looking around, did ok. Day 2, screamed when I left. But, I'm sure he's fine now.

He is obviously feeling better as his appetite has returned and he's back to playing like he used to. He likes to round the coffee table in the living room, and will walk in circles until something else catches his eye. Last night, we spent at least 20 minutes dropping toys on the table to see how they sounded when they hit.

It's hard to believe Joseph is now 9 months old (last Friday, couldn't get a post done). He's reaching all those important milestones, if he hadn't already. In fact, I think he's hit most of the milestones for 10 months by now. Our only hold-up is any real words. He is having a blast making all sorts of sounds, with the latest being "va-va-va". I think he's working on "VA-VA-VA-VOOM!" to throw out to all the cute girls we've had as waitresses lately. He's definitely got a thing for the girls. The poor guy we had at Chili's couldn't even get a smile, even when he was juggling!!

As far as his appetite, we've been having fun. Last night at Dixie Cafe, he was NOT interested in the squash casserole I ordered for him, although baby food squash is one of his favorites. He did have a fun time pulling bites off the roll with his little teeth. Very cute, too bad I didn't have a camera! He did enjoy a little bit of the shredded cheese off mom's salad also.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sick Baby

It's been a while since I've posted, mostly because Joseph is sick. It started last Thursday night with fever. Yep, only 3 days in the new daycare, and he's already sick, or so we thought. We actually thought it might be related to those 2 teeth he finally cut, but it just keep at it. He had fever and was irritable and miserable all weekend. We were giving lots of Motrin and Tylenol. Finally, on Tuesday, we went to the doctor. He has his first ear infection, very red, both ears, so now he's on antibiotics. We made it almost 9 months without one, so I think we've done pretty well! In no way did we suspect an ear infection because we'd always been told they will pull at their ears when they hurt! Thankfully, my mom was able to come stay with him so Jon and I can go to work! We had been pulling half days and trading off. He seems to be feeling better already! I sure hope so, since tomorrow is our 9 month birthday! I should have pictures from that up soon.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Now, that's more like it.

Well, Day 2 of day care drop off was more of what I expected. Joseph did fairly well on day 1, but he didn't sleep much, which left a sleepy boy at dinner last night. Day 2, he showed his true colors, crying as I left the room. Of course, it didn't help that the little boy in the high chair next to him was boo-hooing as well.

And, to top all of this off, it looks like he might finally be getting some teeth! There is a sharp little edge in his gums, that feels like the first corner of a tooth breaking through. We'll see.

Monday, June 11, 2007

New Daycare

Joseph started his new daycare today! Drop-off went well, and I hope the rest of the day is good for him too. He enjoyed his week last week with Grandmaw Mae, but now, it's back to business! I guess that was his summer vacation, being the only baby around for a while.

One thing I've learned so far about his new daycare is that I will have to give him something to eat in the mornings. All of the other kids were eating, and there is no food allowed around Joseph unless he gets some too!

I'll keep you updated on his progress...