Thursday, September 27, 2007


Here are Joseph's stats from his 12 month doctor visit...

Weight: 27 lbs (90-95 %ile, average size of a 21 month old)

Length: 32 in (95-95 %ile, average size of a 17 month old)

Head: 19 1/4 in (> 97 %ile, average size of a 26 month old)

Weight : Length 90-95 %ile

He's just a BIG guy! But those averages match up with the size clothes he's wearing!

Developmentally, he's doing great, meeting and exceeding all expected milestones. And, he's SO cooperative for the exam. Plus the doctor says he's cute! She seemed quite surprised and happy when we told her he was completely off the bottle! I'm guessing that is a common problem with most of her patients.

When Joseph's birthday party pictures are posted, I'll put the link on the blog!

1 comment:

Rocky and Sunee said...

Dang. He's a huge kid. He's really doing so well developmentally too. Some of my friends that have huge kids say they seem to crawl and walk later.

Adelaide's always had the opposite issue; her head's always measured smaller than her weight and height. She's no shrimp but would still be dwarfed by your kiddo.