Friday, October 5, 2007

Talking up a storm

Joseph's vocabulary is really expanding, and that's only counting the words we can understand. He's jabbering all the time, and I'm fairly certain he means something with most of the noises he makes. Actual words we've gotten are dog, doggie, duck, and ball. He's been saying da-dee, and has now actually rewarded me with mom-mee, said in exactly that inflection. Reports are also coming in that we THINK he has said cow, Jack (as in my dad), and he gives the intention of saying thank you. He responds when we hand him something and the tone and cadence makes us think that is what he means. My little boy is growing up!

Oh, & he's still SO cute! Here are some pics and video. We're trying for ball in one of the videos.
Where's that doggie?? And check out my new shoes!

Say "Ball"!


1 comment:

Rocky and Sunee said...

I think he speaks clearly for being from Arkansas. :)