Monday, April 7, 2008

Big News

Ok...first big news is that I am posting twice in 2 days. That's a new record!

Second big news is that Joseph has pee-peed in the potty TWICE now! The first time, he simply wanted to sit on the potty and sat there for about 15 minutes. Well, of course, in that amount of time, he eventually went. Tonight, he was running around naked after his bath and started to pee-pee on the floor of his room (not very nice considering how hard his dad worked putting that floor down) so we grabbed him up and ran for the potty. Of course that scared him, but after he calmed down, he managed to go in the potty! Unfortunately, he was holding a piece of toliet paper in front of himself and peed all over it too!

Now, that might not sound like much, but we sure are proud! We're not pushing the issue but giving lots of praise when he goes! Such a big boy!

1 comment:

rocky said...

That's pretty cool considering Sunee says I can't use the potty right.